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Say goodbye to the discomfort of Irritable Bowel Syndrome once and for all!

Discover a comprehensive online educational tool designed to help overcome the frustration and embarrassing symptoms associated with IBS.

This revolutionary resource provides a guided, step-by-step process, empowering individuals to identify the underlying causes of IBS and attain natural, long-term relief.


IBS Solution Online COurse & Group Program
IBS Solution Online Course & Group Program
IBS Solution Online Course & Group Program


A unique, self-paced online course meticulously crafted to pinpoint and tackle the underlying triggers of IBS. 

Experience a transformative journey that brings lasting relief from bothersome symptoms like chronic bloating, diarrhea, and/or constipation.


Anyone with an irritable bowel syndrome diagnosis, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) or with digestive and gut health issues wanting to improve their health, digestion, weight, skin, mood, energy and overall well-being. 

Dr Georgina Compton having a healthy lunch with a friend


Unlock a treasure trove of resources at your fingertips with over 50 lessons, PDF downloads, worksheets, quizzes, assessment tools, and even a recipe e-book. Each is meticulously crafted to streamline your healing journey, enhance your results, and ensure long-term success. Our comprehensive toolkit is available on all devices. With just a simple internet connection, you can dive into a wealth of invaluable resources designed to simplify your path to wellness.

Personalize your path to IBS relief. Navigate your recovery at a speed that suits you.

This comprehensive program empowers you to take control of your digestive health, providing you with the tools and knowledge to make a profound and sustainable impact on your IBS symptoms.

Unlike many others, this course is NOT a diet or a way to simply manage symptoms. 

Our unique approach looks to address the underlying causes with natural supplementation and lifestyle changes to get rid of IBS symptoms & heal the gut for good!

5 yellow stars


Testimonial - Stephen

What's covered in the course?

With a simple step-by-step approach, more than 50 lessons are presented in an easily comprehensible manner, covering a wide array of topics.

UNIT 1 - Welcome & Gut Health 101 covers:

- IBS - the facts (fully referenced!)

- What is a leaky gut? 

- The importance of adequate stomach acid

- What is required to have a healthy, well-functioning gut & digestive system?

- What are the 3 stages of gut healing? And much more.

An initial quality-of-life assessment is also included and is used to monitor your progress.

UNIT 2 - The Underlying Causes of IBS.

Embark on an exploration of the underlying factors contributing to IBS, including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), dysbiosis, post-infectious IBS, fungal overgrowth, parasites, bile acid malabsorption, medication-induced IBS, and stress-induced IBS. Gain valuable insights into these root causes while also delving into the conditions that should have been ruled out by your GP or specialist.

UNIT 3 - STEP 1A - Prepare & Support - Uncovering the Root Causes of your IBS Symptoms

Experience the power of specialized and exclusive assessment tools utilized to uncover trigger foods, intolerances, nutrient deficiencies, and the root causes behind IBS and digestive concerns.

Discover the most beneficial laboratory tests to explore, along with optimal nutrient levels. Additionally, explore a range of at-home self-tests that provide further insights into digestive health.

UNIT 5 - STEP 1C - Prepare & Support - Digestive aids & lifestyle factors

Explore the impact of lifestyle factors and digestive aids on your health. Discover the benefits of intermittent fasting, effective symptom relief tips, stress reduction techniques, the importance of quality sleep, and the transformative power of exercise.

Magnifying glass over abdomen sympbolising investigating the root causes of IBS

UNIT 4 - Step 1B- Prepare and Support - Diet & supporting supplements 

Discover common nutrient deficiencies in IBS and their impact on gut health.

Learn how to identify trigger foods and navigate dietary choices during the gut-healing process. Find effective tips to reduce sugar cravings and explore healthier alternatives. Access a variety of snack ideas, meal suggestions, and an exclusive recipe e-book to enhance your culinary repertoire while prioritizing your gut health.

UNIT 6 - STEP 2 - Eliminate & Eradicate Treatment Phase

Uncover natural solutions to address small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), as well as bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infections. Explore the power of anti-microbial herbs, biotoxin binders, and biofilm management techniques. Additionally, gain valuable insights on troubleshooting common issues to optimize your healing journey. 

UNIT 7 - STEP 3 - Rebalance & Repair Discover effective strategies to strengthen, support, and soothe the gut for lasting success. Explore the benefits of prebiotics, probiotics, supplemental fibre, nutrient repair supplements, short-chain fatty acids, and pro-kinetics. Unlock the secrets to nurturing a healthy gut ecosystem and achieving optimal digestive well-being.

UNIT 8 - Recurrence Prevention & Food Reintroduction

Enhance gut motility and acquire essential knowledge to prevent the recurrence of symptoms. Additionally, gain valuable insights on reintroducing foods after avoidance and completing the gut healing process for optimal results. 


Dietary changes are often required during the gut healing process. Delicious, gut-friendly recipes make meal times simpler and easier. Plus, tools to help uncover food sensitivities are included. 


Uncovering the root causes of IBS symptoms is vital for a long-term, effective solution. This can be helped dramatically by specialised laboratory tests that are not typically offered in a conventional medical setting. 


Just $220 US (approx $350 NZ) 
5 yellow stars


Testimonial - Julia
Testimonial - Anna
Dr Georgina Compton - Chiropractor & Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
So, who will be your guide throughout this program?

Greetings! I'm Dr. Georgina Compton, a certified functional medicine practitioner, chiropractor, former IBS sufferer, and specialist in gut health. With nearly two decades of healthcare expertise, I have had the privilege of assisting numerous individuals dealing with IBS in my practice, achieving a remarkable success rate of nearly 90%!

I am thrilled to present this comprehensive online IBS course as a compelling alternative to online consultations or as a valuable supplement. It offers an affordable and readily available choice for individuals in pursuit of a long-lasting transformation in their IBS symptoms and overall gut health.

Our gut is not just important for digestion, but our

This subject is one that ignites a deep passion within me. Having experienced the frustration and debilitation of IBS firsthand, I truly understand the challenges it brings. I am determined to spread the message far and wide that there is a solution to IBS. An IBS diagnosis should not condemn anyone to a life sentence of suffering!

"Understanding the underlying causes of my IBS symptoms was life-changing. For 5+ years of my life I was desperate for answers. I had become accustom to turning down most social functions because I knew the likelihood of feeling unwell. With Georgina's help I was able to finally heal my gut. The process to healing was not overnight, but it was worth the journey to where I am today!

Clara W. 

Clara west.jpg

Why choose the Nourish to Flourish IBS Solution Online Course?

  • This course offers an affordable and easily accessible solution for individuals dealing with IBS, SIBO, and digestive concerns.  

  • It goes beyond the conventional methods of the low FODMAP diet and gut hypnotherapy, offering a more comprehensive and scientifically-backed approach to addressing IBS.

  • It is designed for those who seek a transformative journey to uncover the true root causes of their IBS symptoms, with a focus on achieving long-term success.

  • It caters to individuals who desire a well-defined step-by-step plan accompanied by referenced educational resources and recipes, aiming to save them time, alleviate frustration, and reduce overwhelm.​

  • This course serves as an invaluable tool, whether newly diagnosed with IBS, seeking additional support while working with a practitioner, or having experienced fragmented attempts and limited success in their IBS healing journey. It provides the essential understanding and key changes necessary to regain control of their health and prevent relapse.

  • The Nourish to Flourish IBS Solution Online course is specifically tailored to individuals who recognize the vital importance of maintaining a healthy gut. It offers essential guidance and inspiration for long-term lifestyle changes, benefiting not just individuals but their entire families.

Just $220 US (approx $350 NZ) 

Enroll with confidence and explore the program risk-free with our

7-day money-back guarantee.

Testimonial - Corinna
Happy belly stomach
  • Are you qualified? What is your level of expertise?
    Dr. Georgina is a distinguished graduate of the Functional Medicine University in the United States. As a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, she has dedicated countless hours to extensive studies and research in the realms of digestion, gastrointestinal health, nutrition, immune health, detoxification, neuroendocrine regulation, inflammation, and more. In addition to her functional medicine expertise, Dr. Georgina possesses a Bachelor of Science degree from The University of Auckland, where she focused on psychology and physiology over a three-year period. Furthermore, she holds a Bachelor of Chiropractic degree from The New Zealand College of Chiropractic, which involved intensive five-year studies encompassing human anatomy, physiology, biology, neurology, diagnosis, and diagnostic imaging. With nearly two decades of experience, Dr. Georgina has demonstrated her commitment to helping individuals regain and maintain their well-being.
  • Are you a medical doctor?
    No, Dr Georgina is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP) and Chiropractor. Her 5 year degree in Chiropractic gives her the title of doctor but she does not practice medicine or diagnose or treat diseases or medical conditions. She focuses her practice on promoting health and optimal function. Her services are not meant to substitute or replace those of a medical doctor but her programmes are meant to work in conjunction with them.
  • I've had all the tests by doctors and specialists and they say nothing is wrong. Why do you feel you can help me when others can't?
    Although you may have seen other professionals, they may have not had the expertise to dive deeper and identify your root causes or they may simply only offer dietary recommendations such as the low FODMAP diet. ​​ IBS is essentially a waste basket diagnosis, used when other medical conditions such as Crohn's or Coeliac disease have been ruled out. But there are underlying causes of IBS such as a parasitic or bacterial infection, a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or fungal overgrowth (SIFO) that may have not been investigated or addressed thoroughly by your health professional. This can be due to poor lab testing, lack of understanding of these conditions, limited treatment options and/or the expense involved to fully investigate. For example, a comprehensive stool test by a functional medicine lab includes an assessment of the microbiome, it looks at absorption and inflammatory markers, and uses PCR analysis and 3 different samples to make sure no pathogenic microbes are missed. This does not occur with conventional medical stool tests. Use of these cutting edge tests can be the difference between a life time of suffering and a life filled with energy and vitality. True gut-healing requires a systematic and thorough approach that addresses ALL of the root causes, not just one or two. This is where many practitioners go wrong, even those in holistic health care.
  • What is your success rate for The N2F IBS Solution?
    Dr Georgina is currently sitting around a 90% success rate for those who have fully completed her IBS or gut healing program. This is based on a "substantial improvement" in their IBS or digestive symptoms by the end of at least 90 days.
  • What exactly is included in the program and how is this package saving me money?
    The Nourish to Flourish IBS Solution includes: - 6 months of personalised one-on-one care from a qualified functional medicine practitioner specialising in IBS, SIBO & digestive concerns. - UNLIMITED 1:1 online consults to offer support, evaluate progress and update your care plan throughout. Since everyone's requirements are different, the number of consults is not set in stone. It's just what is needed to get results. However, 6 online consults and 5 mini check-ins are often involved. Which is approximately $2400 NZD / $1440 USD worth of care! If you need more consults or check-ins then no problem! - Helpful tools such as meal ideas, food charts, a symptom / habit / food tracker, and a recipe e-book to simplify the healing journey and keep you on track. Valued at $34 NZ / $20 USD. - An easy to use online educational resource which ensures you understand the rationale behind the dietary and lifestyle changes. This is an essential tool to simplify your healing journey, improve results and encourage long term change. Valued at $220 US (approx $350 NZ) - Unlimited Email support between consults, for those niggly little questions that just can't wait. (Valued at $300 NZ / $180 USD) TOTAL VALUE = around $3100 NZ or $1900 US!! So you are SAVING close to $1000 NZ or $600 US! Your care also includes: - A thorough health history and initial consult, including past lab review and a detailed written report. - Lab test recommendations and an analysis of any additional labs. The results are explained in your report of findings consult and an easy-to-understand summary is provided as a written report. - Clear, step-by-step written care plans including your supplement "prescription", dietary and lifestyle recommendations. These are updated after each consult. - Access to high-quality, practitioner-only supplements, if required. This package includes expert guidance and support for 6 months of the year! This program is unique and really is a stress-free, simple, and easily accessible solution to IBS.
  • Why is the price in US Dollars when you are in New Zealand?
    Many of my clients are in the US, but also the platform for the online educational tool will only support one currency option unfortunately.
  • Are specialised functional medicine laboratory tests included and are they required?
    Functional testing is not included and an additional investment to help uncover the root causes of your IBS. Tests can be arranged to assess SIBO (a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), parasites (comprehensive stool analysis with parasitology), dysbiosis (comprehensive stool analysis), food sensitivities, and allergies (Complete Dietary antigen test aka Precision allergy 88), leaky gut (zonulin blood test) and more. A comprehensive stool analysis or a SIBO breath test are most commonly recommended for IBS sufferers. Even if laboratory tests are not currently within your budget, it's important to note that the programme prioritizes the fundamentals. This includes addressing low stomach acid levels, rectifying nutrient deficiencies, and making suitable food and lifestyle choices. These fundamental steps alone can often lead to significant improvements in symptoms. The utilization of conventional lab tests through your general practitioner (GP), along with the assessment of essential nutrients such as vitamin D, zinc and copper can provide valuable insights. A review of previous laboratory tests is included, along with a report detailing the findings. The optimal levels are provided, not just what is considered "normal".
  • Are supplements included in the program?
    Natural nutritional and herbal supplementation is used during this program and is an additional investment. The cost depends on your root causes and needs. Everyone will receive a personalized "prescription". There will be two options "must haves" and "optional extras". So if money is tight, you could choose to just order the "must haves". Typically the cost for around two to three months supply of supplements will be around $300 NZ. As some of the supplements are not needed until the end of the program, you can split the cost up. NZ and Australian clients will be emailed a supplement script to order their products online from our quality practitioner-only supplement companies. Those outside of Australasia will be given a list of Amazon and Iherb recommendations that can be easily couriered to most countries around the world. We only recommend supplements that are pure, free of fillers, contain therapeutic doses, and have high bioavailability.
  • Do you prescribe medications?
    No. We do not prescribe or make recommendations about prescription medications or controlled substances. Your prescribing medical doctor will manage all medications. We use natural, noninvasive methods such as nutritional therapy, herbs, supplements, stress management techniques and lifestyle changes to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal health and function.
  • Will you look at and address other health concerns I might have, such as hormonal issues?
    All health concerns are discussed in the initial and follow-up 1:1 consults, and if necessary are also addressed. Please keep in mind that often the first step when addressing many health concerns, including hormonal issues, joint pain, fatigue, insomnia, and headaches, is to heal the gut. Relief can be found from a vast array of symptoms, seemingly unrelated to IBS.
  • When am I likely to notice an improvement in my symptoms?
    Most notice and improvement around the 2 to 3 month mark. 6 months of care helps to ensure long term changes, saving you time, money and frustration in the long-run.
  • Do I need a computer or can I access it from my mobile?
    You can access this programme and its online educational resource from anywhere and on any device! So long as you have a web browser and an internet connection you can access the info from any device you like!
  • What if things don't go to plan? Am I able to pause the program?
    We understand that accidents, trauma, work issues, and family dramas can interfere with your progress, so ONE pause of up to 4 weeks is allowed. The program includes 6 months of 1:1 support and takes into consideration that some lab results can take up to 3-4 weeks to arrive. A care plan is still created and to be followed while awaiting these results.
  • Is the online educational resource necessary to complete and how much time will I need to allow?
    It is really over to you how fast you complete the course and how much time you invest daily or weekly. However, we find that those who understand the clinical rationale behind the recommendations, tend to get better outcomes and more sustainable results. Over 50 lessons are provided in an easy to use online course format, with each lesson ranging from 2-10 minutes in duration. Completion of the worksheets, quizzes, self-assessment tools are additional. The information provided can be crucial to preventing a relapse of symptoms in the future. Useful for the whole family, this vital educational tool supports diet & lifestyle changes that can prevent and reverse chronic, preventable disease; not just irritable bowel symptoms.
  • Is this program suitable for those with suspected or diagnosed Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)?
    Yes, absolutely. We are trained in the treatment of SIBO and will also look to improve gut motility which is often an underlying cause. If SIBO is suspected we can arrange a hydrogen/methane breath test, that can be completed at home, to get a diagnosis. This test is relatively inexpensive.
  • Will I get a meal plan?
    We didn't feel a strict meal plan was appropriate, however one can be found in the recipe book. This recipe book provides numerous gluten and dairy-free recipes and meal ideas to make meal planning easier. Low FODMAP options are also indicated. Everyone's intolerances are different, so you'll be taught how to adapt recipes to suit your dietary needs, while still eating tasty and delicious meals, suitable for the whole family.
  • I am vegetarian or vegan. Is this program suitable for me?
    Most of the meals can easily be adapted for a vegetarian or vegan diet. In the online educational resource and workbook there is a lot of focus on understanding your body and education around diet so that you can create your own meal plans and adapt recipes to suit your dietary choices.
  • Will this really work? I've tried everything.
    We understand the hesitation. It is a considerable investment in your health with no guaranteed outcome. But IBS can have a devastating impact on one's life and even one's ability to work. Many suffer for years, trying a haphazard approach that rarely works. The Nourish to Flourish IBS Solution is a systematic approach that uncovers the root causes for a long term solution. With close to a 90% success rate, it is possible to be rid of IBS for good, and then the investment is 100% worth it! If you've still got questions, consider a free discovery call and let's have a chat.
Don't face unnecessary months or even years of enduring irritable bowel symptoms and compromised health. The N2F IBS Solution Online Course provides you with expert guidance and a well-defined step-by-step plan. Our tried and tested natural approach to IBS is devoted to assisting sufferers in achieving long-lasting gut healing.
Just $220 US (approx $350 NZ) 
7 day money back guarantee.png
Please note: These testimonials are from actual paying clients who have gone through Dr Georgina Compton's gut healing protocol. Although these results ARE typical, your results may VARY based upon your effort, adherence, education, genes, previous trauma/injury, the way your body works and forces beyond our control. We make no claims on any improvements to your body, health or symptoms.
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